Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30th, 2013 - Monti's Rotisserie Deliciousness...

          Hello, today I'm going to be telling you about a restaurant in Santa Rosa, California. Santa Rosa is a place with lots to do, but when it's time to relax and get something to eat, Monti's Rotisserie is a marvelous restaurant to eat at. To start, I had the children's buttered pasta, with an iced tea. The pasta was delightful, with butter and parmesan cheese. For dessert I had  warm chocolate cake, with coffee caramel, and toasted almonds. I think the almonds were a little burnt, but the overall taste was good.
         To top it all off, I shared the sorbet. It consisted of three flavors, passion fruit, mango, and coconut. The passion fruit had a weaker flavor, but you could still taste a little of the sweetness. Unlike the passion fruit, the mango popped with flavor, a very tangy, sweet sorbet . Last, the coconut sorbet was a mild sweet. Out of all the sorbets, I loved the passion fruit! This was a restaurant I would go to again. I hope you try it! I defiantly would recommend this restaurant!!

I give this meal: ,,,,,

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